Refractive Errors: Understanding Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism, and Presbyopia

Our eyes are why we experience the world in such a detailed, vivid manner—hundreds of colors, textures, depth perception, and whatnot. Unfortunately, for some of us, this experience is altered. The reason? Refractive errors.

What are Refractive Errors?

Refractive errors occur when the shape of your eyes prevents light from focusing directly on the retina. The retina is the part of the eye responsible for taking in light. It converts it into neural signals and sends them to the brain to recognize images. In simple words, it transforms light into visual information.

4 Types of Refractive Errors 

1. Myopia

If you struggle to read road signs but have no problem reading a book up close, you are dealing with myopia. It is commonly called nearsightedness and is a type of refractive error whereby distant objects appear blurry while nearby objects are clear. You may be wondering, “Why does this happen?”

This happens because either:

  • the eye is longer than normal
  • has a cornea (the clear front cover of the eye) that is too curved.

As a result, light entering the eye is focused in front of the retina instead of directly on it.

Myopia is often detected early in childhood and may progressively worsen until your eye stops growing, typically in your early twenties. The easiest way to correct myopia is with the help of prescription glasses or contact lenses. Or you can explore refractive surgery like LASIK.

Also Read: LASIK Aftercare: A Detailed Guide

2. Hyperopia

The tables turn. If you have trouble reading a book up close but can perfectly see objects at a distance, you have farsightedness [hyperopia]. It is the opposite of myopia and happens because:

  • your eye is shorter than normal
  • has a cornea that is too flat.

Quick note: Some amount of hyperopia is normal in childhood and usually decreases with age. But for some, it persists well into adulthood.

Coming to its treatment, the options are just the same as those for myopia – prescription glasses, contact lenses, and refractive surgery.

3. Astigmatism

It gets complex here. Astigmatism occurs when the cornea or lens is irregularly shaped, more like a football than a basketball. This causes the light to focus on multiple points instead of just one. Result? Distorted or blurred vision at all distances.

Sadly, this refractive error often occurs in combination with myopia or hyperopia. It causes troubles like eye strain, headaches, and difficulty seeing at night. Furthermore, it differs from person to person. While some experience only mild blurring, others have significant vision issues.

Let’s discuss the causes — it is usually present at birth. It can remain comparatively stable or slightly change over time. To correct this concern, eyeglasses or contact lenses with a special cylindrical lens prescription are used. Alternatively, you can go ahead with a LASIK.

Also Read: Contact Lenses vs Eye Glasses

4. Presbyopia

Presbyopia is farsightedness due to age. It usually happens sometime after your 40s and can be frustrating. With this refractive error:

  • Focusing on closer objects becomes challenging
  • Your eyes strain while reading
  • There’s blurry vision for fine prints
  • You need more light
  • There are headaches when working on near objects

While it is quite fixable, it is not something you can prevent since it is a natural part of aging. The good thing? It usually levels off in your mid-60s.

Also Read: 5 Common Eye Conditions: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

It’s Time To See an Eye Specialist…

If you are experiencing any of the following signs and symptoms, it will be wise to consult an eye specialist:

  • Blurred vision (near or far)
  • Squinting or straining to see clearly
  • Headaches, especially after reading or using digital devices
  • Eye fatigue or discomfort
  • Difficulty seeing at night
  • Double vision
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Needing to hold objects closer or farther away to read them clearly

Wrapping Up

The good thing about refractive errors is that they’re treatable with easy options. It’s up to your comfort and liking which treatment method you want to use – glasses, lenses, or LASIK.

So, if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned, don’t hesitate to book your appointment with our eye care professionals at  Shree Ramkrishna Netralaya, one of the leading eye hospitals in Chembur. Remember, clear vision is just a checkup away!